Custom Karpet Sisal Anyaman terbuat dari PP Sisal, Lebar Fix 2 meter. sisinya ditambahkan dengan binding.
Minimal pembelian contoh 2×1 meter
Harga per meter Rp. 660.000
Kalau contoh 2×1 meter = IDR 1.320.000
Harga di atas belum termasuk binding / pinggiran
– Karpet tahan lama karena terbuat dari sisal
Cara Merawat:
– Hindari meletakkan karpet di tempat lembap.
– Jangan dicuci.
– Jangan gunakan pemutih.
– Jangan keringkan dengan mesin
– Jangan disetrika.
– Jangan cuci kering.
– Vakum dan putar karpet secara berkala.
– Noda kering; bersihkan segera dengan mengikis secara hati-hati ke arah tengah noda.
– Noda basah, jangan gosok. Serap dengan kertas tisu, bersihkan dengan kain lembap dan deterjen ringan.
– Pembersihan karpet oleh profesional bila diperlukan.
– Selalu menggunakan kepala hisap standar, jangan pernah menggunakan sikat putar ketika membersihkan permadani dengan vakum cleaner.
Transform Your Room
If you want to transform your room effortlessly, you can just place a rug. So it will instantly change the looks of your room!
If you choose a sisal rug, mind that this kind of rug cannot be placed outdoor. It's vulnerable to moisture. So avoid placing it in the wet area.
You need to know that sisal rugs are very durable! The use of sisal was also environmentally friendly!
Some example from our customer
Transform Your Room
If you want to transform your room effortlessly, you can just place a rug. So it will instantly change the looks of your room!
If you choose a sisal rug, mind that this kind of rug cannot be placed outdoor. It's vulnerable to moisture. So avoid placing it in the wet area.
You need to know that sisal rugs are very durable! The use of sisal was also environmentally friendly!